@itrfbot ITRF calculation bot

ITRF bot ver. 1.3

1. For example, need to convert coordinates from ITRF2014 time epoch 2022.30 to ITRF2008 time epoch 2010.0 - just send me string:

ITRF2014:2022.30 X.XXX Y.YYY Z.ZZZ ITRF2008:2010.0

X.XXX is ECEF X coordinate or WGS84 Latitude
Y.YYY is ECEF Y coordinate or WGS84 Longitude
Z.ZZZ is ECEF Z or WGS84 ellipsoid height

2. To convert DD MM SS.SSSS to degree - just send string:

DEG 51 43 26.1234

3. To convert degree to DD MM SS.SSSS - just send string:

DEG 51.723923167

4. To calculate epoch of the day - just send string:

EPOCH DD.MM.YYY - for example: 31.12.2022

Any issues, please ask @Lidaru